Calvin D. Tucker Jr. (Bro. Calvin) began modeling at an early age. At the age of 12 he began Runway training in the “Jazzy Spirits Modeling Troupe” in his home town of Baltimore MD. He continued training while featuring in numerous Shows and Shoots in his community. Calvin has won (2000)“Mahogany Model of the Year Award”, (2005)"Rep Yo Grind Male Model of The Year Award" and (2019) "Top Male Model of the Year" for the Atlantic City Fashion Week Awards.
2010 began his PROFESSIONAL Modeling Career as he trained with various Industry professionals in various categories of Modeling including the “Male Model Intro” sessions with Jazzy Photos of Baltimore, Male Model Boot Camp by Philip Hawthorne of Baltimore. He went on to walk in over 8 Regional Fashion Week Showcases such as Baltimore Fashion Week, Philly Mens Style Week, Plitzs New York Fashion Week and his favorite Atlantic City Fashion Week.
While studying on campus at Temple University; Calvin performed on the "All American/Battle Runway Troupe" called Dynasty Model Ent. where they battled other Universities in the region in Model Choreography.
The "Male Model REACH Movement" is a male entertainment mentoring conglomerate that serves as a tool for Networking, Professional Development mainly for male entertainers of Color. This movement is the place where information and opportunities are shared; resulting in the collective of talent MENTORING EACH OTHER.
Bro. Calvin was featured in the 4-J Couture Custom Clothier Catalog, a Spread on the LED-Baltimore Billboard in his hometown of Baltimore,
He has also Featured in Numerous Magazines, Periodicals and Web Advertisements. Since 2015; Bro. Calvin has been a "HOUSE MODEL" for Christopher Schafer Clothier.
Calvin D. Tucker Jr. is the personification of
Fashion-Electricity and seeks to travel the WORLD featuring in Fashion Campaigns.
* Commercial Modeling
* Print Modeling
* Fitness Modeling
* FIT Modeling
* Parts Modeling
* Promotional Modeling
* Brand Ambassador Assignments
* Runway Modeling
* Campaign Modeling
* Live Modeling; (Also known as Exhibition/Convention/Demolition Modeling)